Welcome to Bethel Mission School

The “Bethel Mission School” in Kishanganj is owned and run by the trust name “BEST” that stands for Bethel Educational Sovereign Trust, Erode, in Tamil Nadu, India. This school is supervised by the School Managing Committee also.

This school is co-educational school with English Medium and established in the year 1997, following syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi and it it affiliated to the same CBSE, New Delhi.

The word “BETHEL" means “HOUSE OF GOD”. This School is opened for children of all communities without seeing any caste, creed, colour, race and religion etc.

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The age for admission is six years as on 1st April in the
Class -1. Xerox copy of birth certificate has to be deposited at the time of admission.

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The medium of instruction and that of communication in the campus is English. For Class XI, Arts, Science and Commerce Streams are available.

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All Fees are payable in advance by cash or cheque or online on monthly basis on or before 10th of every month. Payments should be made only to.

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The school has a well stacked library with enough books. This school provides sufficient number of carefully chosen books on all subjects related to Science, Social Studies, Maths, Computer and General knowledge books in different language of English and Hindi.

The literature books of language like English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu and Bengali are also available in the Libaray.

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This school has efficient and well equipped laboratory with different kinds of equipments. Microscope and Chemicals etc. The concerned subject teachers of Science and Maths are giving guidelines and do practicals.

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Keeping in mind to give stress free education and every effort is made to impart information technology training to the students.The Digital learning system ensures that students cheerfully participate and understand the concepts very easily & promptly.

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Latest news & Events

The school offers training in physical activities to promote and for the enrichment of hidden talents. The school takes lot of interest and effort to bring out all round development of students.

Games, Physical & Health Education

The school offers training in the physical activities to promote and for the enrichment of hidden talents. Physical education is on the curriculum while special coaching is held during the games period in games like Football, Volleyball, Handball, Badminton.

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Cultural Programme

A variety of cultural programmes are organized. Students are guided and encouraged to take part in an exhaustive range of programmes to develop their in born qualities and to bring out the talent in the students. These programmes are held on Annual Day, Independence Day, Republic Day.

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Educational Tours

Visits will be arranged to places of cultural, historical and geographical interest in order to cultivate a sense of respect for our national heritage. Each visit will be planned as ‘Education Project’ and excursion. Love and nature and consciousness about the preservation of environment would be inculcated.

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A variety of cultural programmes are organized. Students are guided and encouraged to take part in an exhaustive range of programmes to develop their inborn qualities and to bring out the talent in the students.